New Lease on Life: Filipino Conjoined Twins Separated in Landmark Riyadh Surgery

Riyadh, June 06, 2024, SPA — Filipino conjoined twins Ayeesha and Akhizah underwent successful separation surgery today at the King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital (KASCH) in Riyadh.
Following directives from the Kingdom’s leadership, the complex procedure was performed by a team of over 20 medical professionals led by Supervisor General of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) and distinguished pediatric surgeon Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah.
The five-hour surgery, divided into five stages, addressed the challenge of the twins sharing a liver. Dr. Al Rabeeah’s expertise and the team’s dedication ensured a smooth operation. The medical team is now closely monitoring the twins’ recovery, with a positive outlook for their long-term health.
“This success is a testament to the dedication and skill of our medical team and the unwavering support of the Kingdom’s leadership,” Dr. Al Rabeeah said, expressing his gratitude for the collaborative effort. “It brings us immense joy to see these children given a chance for a better life,” he added.
The Saudi conjoined twins program, established in 1990, stands as a beacon of hope for families worldwide. This landmark surgery not only showcases the Kingdom’s advanced medical capabilities but also underscores its commitment to humanitarian aid and medical excellence on a global scale. The program has reviewed cases of 136 twins from 26 countries, and now, successfully separating Ayeesha and Akhizah, the total number of twins separated stands at sixty-one accomplishments.